MMIX Supports RTBH for announcemnet of black-hole filtering. In order to facilitate better routing management for routes being advertised via MMIX Route Servers, we highly recommend all members to make use of BGP community tagging when they annoouncement/received BGP routes to/from the MMIX route servers.
The BGP community supported for RTBH filtering.
BGP community | Next Hop Address | |
Yangon IXP | 9654:66 | |
Mandalay IXP | 9333:66 | |
!!!Configuration Example: (For reference only for MMIX members' side)!!!
!!Selection of Send RTBH Route!!
!To view BGP community in AA:NN format:
ip bgp-community new-format
!Configure a static null route for victim host if necessary:
ip route x.x.x.x null0
!Configure a community-list for MMIX RTBH:
ip community-list standard CM-MMIX-RTBH permit 9654:66
!Configure a prefix-list for MMIX RTBH:
ip prefix-list PRF-RTBH permit x.x.x.x/32
!Confugure a outgoing route-map for MMIX RS1 and RS2:
route-map RM-MMIX-OUT permit 10
match ip address prefix-list PRF-RTBH
set community 9654:66 additive
route-map RM-MMIX-OUT permit 100
!!Section of Accept RTBH Route!!
!Configure a prefix-list for MMIX HOST:
ip prefix-list PRF-MMIX-HOST permit ge 32
!Configure an inbound route-map for MMIX MMIX RS1 and RS2
route-map RM-MMIX-IN permit 10
match ip address prefix-list PRF-MMIX-HOST
match community CM-MMIX-RTBH
route-map RM-MMIX-IN permit 100
!Configure a static null route of reserved
ip route null 0
interface Null0
no ip unreachables
!!BGP Configuration!!
router bgp [ASN]
neighbor [MMIX-RS1] remote-as [MMIX-ASN]
neighbor [MMIX-RS2] remote-as [MMIX-ASN]
address-family ipv4
network x.x.x.x mask
neighbor [MMIX-RS1] activate
neighbor [MMIX-RS1] send-community
neighbor [MMIX-RS1] route-map RM-MMIX-IN in
neighbor [MMIX-RS1] route-map RM-MMIX-OUT out
neighbor [MMIX-RS2] activate
neighbor [MMIX-RS2] send-community
neighbor [MMIX-RS2] route-map RM-MMIX-IN in
neighbor [MMIX-RS2] route-map RM-MMIX-OUT out